Friday, April 24, 2015

Falling Down and Getting Back Up Again!

I still cannot believe it happened....but I totally fell down in oour local convenience store parking lot!! I got my foot tangled in my flip flop and bam!  All the way down on my hiney.  I caught myself in the car next to mine.  It turned out to be someone I know which made it funnier.  I had to sit there a moment and make sure I had not really hurt myself.  As I sat there in disbelief, I started shaking  (???), then laughing when I realized I was fine but still sitting on my bottom in a public parking lot! I finally got up, brushed myself off (cause I didn't need any gravel jewelry), went searching for my eyeglasses (new jewelry I acquired at 40-don't laugh.....your day is coming!) and reassured my friend I was ok. After I got back in my car and put a bandage on my scraped up elbow, I realized I was totally fine.  I probably will feel sore the next few days, but basically there was not really any harm.  I almost felt ecstatic to realize I was really okay (now, that COULD also be because I don't have any health insurance!) and hadn't hurt myself much at all.  Then, I started laughing because it had to have been quite the show!  I can only imagine.  But it is the perfect analogy for my life right now.  I have fallen down, I got hurt a little and I may have some heartache or soreness every now and then, but basically I am okay!  I picked myself up, dusted myself off and went right on about my business.  Like I say all the time now-it's onward and upward!!  I fell.  So what? Who cares? I'm fine and I learned a valuable lesson.  Don't wear flip flops that are a tiny bit too big!   And that other little lesson that life is going to knock us down sometimes.  The trick is to getting back up with as much grace as we can muster.  Oh, and praying that the kid with the cell phone camera is kind enough not to post it!!!  I paid him well enough.  :)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Ok, if you are reading this, I hope you will bear with me because I am doing it on my usual!  I do EVERYTHING on my phone. It occured to me one day that I am twenty again! Yippee!!! Wait.  Why do my knees hurt then? I am at the exact same place in my life as I was at 20, except I don't have the slim body, the incredible drive to get everything under the sun accomplished or the never ending energy!!!  So what has happened here?  I just woke up from a bad dream I think.  I lost 175 pounds recently....but he still hasn't moved all his stuff out of my house yet!  Haha! I have no job, no money and no clue what to do next.  But, I do have some incredible things on my side.  My beautiful, brilliant, wonderful kids, a place to live, super friends and the most supportive family ever.  And I have ME! I haven't figured it all out, but I do know that I've got tons of life experience and I will figure this out.  And probably have fun doing it.  I do find that since I am way past being sad, I am actually enjoying the FREEDOM! There is nobody here to tell me that I should have done this...or I should have remembered that.  I am important again.  I am special.  I AM interesting and I do have thoughts on things.  I don't have to try to be something I'm not to keep somebody around that I really don't even want to be around anyway. Why would I have done that?  I know why.  I was not able to be myself because...well, lots of reasons.  But my kids and I are going to have so much fun and I cannot wait!  I am going to explore all the things I have been ignoring and we are going to have a great future!!    I keep thinking that one thing that keeps me going right now....they opened the MIAMI ICE shaved ice place in town.  It's just a shame I have to order the...JUSTIN BIEBER.  ICK.